Well, this is the last entry on the train. It is Wednesday, and our last morning. We went to bed at our city time, set our phone for 5:30 am. We were supposed to arrive in our city at 7 am. They turned all the lights on and the radio, and started slowing down, so I assumed we missed the alarm, and we were already pulling into our city. It was still dark outside, but all train lights inside were on. So I got Michael up and we both went to the bathroom (we have learned not to wait, or else it could be an hour or more) We got a cup of coffee and to our surprise, looked at the phone and it was only 3:30 am...We had already stripped our mattresses, turned in our bedding and rolled up our mattresses with the pillow inside like we found them. So we just laid down on the bunks and rested. Thank Goodness we never woke Caleb up. We just pulled in a few minutes ago, really this time. It is 7 am and still dark. We played with a cute little 4 month old baby. How sweet, he reminded us of our little Eli. Hard to believe he is 2 months old today. His mommy said it was not his first trip on the train, but one of many, and he is only 4 months old. His first ride was at 6 wks old. Caleb worked so hard this morning, he always works hard and never complains. We had packed last night and then watched dennis the menace, what a funny show. The restaurant brought us some fried taters and onions and we hit the hay. When the train pulled in, they began taking our 7 pieces out plus our 4 carryons. I went out with the first batch. Those pieces weightd over 50 lbs each, bless their hearts. It wasnt easy getting them off the train, down those steps and onto the platform either.
The attendants told us bye and good luck. Two men (taxi drivers) came to us immediately asking if we needed a taxi. We needed them both, so it was perfect.
It was soooo cold standing out there, the coldest I think I have ever been. I literally thought I might freeze and that my fingers were going to surely fall off. Poor Caleb, he has less clothes on than me, he must have been freezing. We finally got it all loaded in the cars. I took my gloves off to warm my hands by rubbing them together, thought it might help, and it did. We do not live far from the train station, which is great.
So we were home by 8:30 am. It was still dark. We were so excited to be home and well rested. That is a first for us, we usually arrive home absolutely exhausted. I felt like Jimmy Stewart in A Wonderful Life, I was going through our little apartment saying hello to everything: Hello old dirty toilet, hello trustee treadmill, hello hot water, hello yellow chainik (hot water pot), hello washing machine and clothesline, hello COAL DUST..... YES, there was a layer or two of black coal dust on everything...i mean everything. Thank goodness we had covered the bed and couches with sheets before we left. Grace's room...I only teared up a little when I entered... Oh the memories, the wonderful talks, the tears, prayers, laughter, spa days. I miss her like crazy, but I know it will get better, or not. Either way, I am OK, and besides I am a true southern girl....I will not think about that right now, I will think about that tomorrow haha. I think I miss her hugs most...especially the morning ones.
Anyway, back to the coal dust. We began cleaning. Caleb vaccuumed the whole apartment and started mopping. we did this twice. needed it three times though. Then I cleaned the toilet (6 mo is a long time) the water was nasty. I left plenty of cleaning supplies for our return: comet, mr muscle, paper towels and windex. Michael started on the fridge, so we could turn it back on. He cleaned the fridge and freezer inside and out. I put on a load of clothes. The window sills were terrible, ubelievable all the black dust, and the kitchen counters and table UGH. I had put anything that was normally out on the cabinets and table up in cabinets, so so glad i did that.
When we got all the cleaning done, we started with unpacking our 7 pieces. It was like Christmas. We were able to bring back so many things we had always missed but never had room for. One whole footlocker was for Sasha and then another one full of gifts for our friends. We were so thankful to be able to do that.
Called Sasha when we got here and he was home from class, cannot wait to see him. it seems it was -40 something today, so they didnt go to school. no wonder i was so stinkin cold. He is going to have to stay one more day with the Stremetskis because they live in a house and Volva is out of town and Anton just had surgery and cant feed the pechka (wood burning stove that heats their home and that they cook on) We had paid our internet before we left, so it is working great. We took periodical breaks to contact everyone telling them we were home. We called and talked to the boys and our parents. Michael went and got a few groceries....break, juice, pelmini (little dumplings) mayonaise and bread. Caleb said, "Hello Russian bread, I have missed you" We love Russian bread, guess why? Because it is better. haha
We unpacked all the luggage and were surprised when my sister, Michelle and brother (inlaw)Bobby skyped. I love, adore, respect and am so amazed by my family. I dont think anyone loves their family any more than me. How in the world my mama (or God) instilled that in me, all of us actually. I will never know, but I am thankful. I am blessed with three older sisters, who have encouraged me, loved me and cheered me on, my whole life. They are truly best friends to me. I can and do tell them anything and get wise advice and counsel from them. I just love them, and love that they love Jesus (and me)
Michelle is my older sister by 5 years. Oh the sweet sweet memories, late night talks and unconditional love and encouragement, I have always received from her. When her friends came over, she never ever ran me out of the room, always made me feel a part of her life, and I got to hear about and have the same crushes all through the years. hahaha...I can still remember everyone of them...when it came to choosing a husband, I was also pleased, though I never had a crush on him, as I was already too old for crushes. So proud of them, for all sorts of reasons. They just got back from a mission trip to Haiti. Michelle was chosen by the Lord to lead a ladies conference. I was privileged to pray for her, and so excited for her. It was pure joy to see her excitement of how God worked in and through her and the others. Never did hear about Bobby's experience...I wonder why.
Our poor husbands, they never get a word in edgewise. haha. They are already planning their next trip in 2013. We and they are praying now about them coming to Russia to help teach our national brothers in Bible school. We were able to speak to a couple of pastors (seminary grads) about coming while we were in the states. We are praying now for funds, teachers and His timing. If they come, then Michelle would most definitely have to come too. She could lead a women's conference here for the ladies, it would be so awesome to serve with her them in that way. Spring 2013 would be a great time, bu we will pray and see how the Lord works. We sure would love to see this happen 2 times a year for our leaders/pastors. It was great to talk to them and hear their passion for people, for their children and grandchildren, their church, and especially for God and missions.
We all worked so hard today. Caleb even reorganized his and Sasha's room. He made sure to leave him half of the closet and have of the shelves and his own desk... He is the most thoughtful and sharing guy. He organized and cleaned a long time. I think he has missed Sasha too.
We finally got to talk to the Stremetskis at about noon. Anton just got home from the hospital, he was there for 10 days, for a procedure that would have been outpatient in the states. His birthday was january 27, but he waited for us to return to celebrate with Caleb. We were invited over thursday (which is tomorrow) They are a precious family and our dearest friends. They have 7 children (and Sasha for the past 6 months) Ksusha is Bryan's age, and Grace's first friend here. Anton is a year older than Caleb, Alina is Caleb's age, exactly, they were born just hours apart. Then Anya (10), Tima (8), Nikita (7) and Venya (5) I have the pleasure of keeping the younger 3 boys alot. I LOVE THEM. We all do. They beg to come to our apartment all the time and I usually give in. Sveta is my closest friend here. She is the most attentive and intentional Russian mother I have ever met. She is truly a light, a wonderful wife, mother, friend and she is such an encouragement to the church members, especially the ladies, mostly because she is real, transparent, honest and willing to help and mostly always ready to pray. We have prayed together many many times for each other, for our husbands, our children and for others. We are so grateful that she and volva opened up their already full home and welcomed Sasha with open arms.
I just talked to Sasha...what joy to hear his voice and we get to see him tomorrow...hoorah...
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