Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Day 3 Part 2
Sunday, January 29, 2012

What a beautiful wonderful life, abundant and joyful, when we keep our eyes on Jesus. The alternative can never bring joy or peace: watching every step, fearful of what lies ahead, stumbling, tripping and falling and giving up or turning back, afraid of doing the wrong thing, worrying and anxious about every trial or struggle, wandering to and fro, with no clear direction. Yes, along the journey (like the Israelites in the wilderness) there will be trials, sin, death, illness, pain, suffering, rejection (snakes, personality conflicts, dry wells, hunger, holes, enemies, drought, tears, mountains to cross) but as the children of Israel (those of them who believed) and stood still and focused on Him, they saw salvation, the table in the wilderness, rain, food from heaven, all they needed was provided. If they would only wait and trust God.

He destroyed the enemy. He fought their battles. He sent water from rocks, He sent manna from heaven. He took poison from snakes. He led them by clouds and by fire. He refreshed them with milk and honey, and ultimately He brought them into the promised land...with and high and mighty hand...for those who obeyed, persevered and waited on and trusted in Him. Then He warned them (and us) to pass it on to our children and our grandchildren. WHAT A MIGHTY GOD WE SERVE! How can we do this, if we give up, quit, before we see the salvation of the Lord?

Yepper doodle, I want it ALL...not in this life, but for Eternity! I want a full portion of Him of His promise. He is my promise. I want Him!

Grace: Our beautiful girl. With all the passion, compassion and love a person can have. She gave me this beautiful journal for Christmas - I love it! It's Sunday. I love Sundays: This is the day, this is the day, that the Lord has made, that the Lord has made; I will rejoice, I will rejoice and be glad in it, and be glad in it. This is the day that the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it; this is the day, this is the day, that the Lord has made.

She is in Africa now singing this song. Not in English, or Russian, but in Swahili


We brought her to Russia when she was 6. We instilled in her from an early age that He is her heart. He holds her heart. He is her identity. I know when she was young, she would need to know the truth. To know that wherever she lived, no matter what she was good at, how beautiful she was, what talents or skills she did or didn't have, or whatever she possessed, that her identity was in none of those things. Oh how He has taught her well. What a joyful learner, with a teachable heart. She will be used up for Him, that is her future, serving Him, serving others.

Set apart for Him, for His glory, for His service, not conformed to this world, but transformed to glorify Him. I miss our three grown kids so much. What wonderful times and memories when they were in our home. It is not the same, and never will be, but that is ok. I will always miss them being under our roof, but I am so excited for them in so many ways. Lord, be their joy, be their peace, be their comfort, be their all in all. Help them to find absolute peace and complete joy in You and You alone. Make them shine like the stars in the sky over the world, brightly for You. Help them to love like You, to love with their whole hearts. Make them be your hands, your feet, your truth. Thank you so much for allowing me the privilege of birthing them and raising them, and watching them obey and love You. I never really felt that they were mine. Maybe that has been why letting them go hasn't devastated me. I thought letting Grace go would be the hardest, but it was so easy watching her go to follow You. It isnt so hard to let them go, when they are seeking to follow You. Thank you for your grace and forgiveness in the mistakes I made in parenting them. You are good! Give me strength, give me courage, give me patience, wisdom and more grace to be the mother that Caleb needs. Help me to never hold on too tight. Help me to teach him all he needs to learn. Give him a teachable spirit that he needs to become Your man, a strong, kind, gentle, servant. Give him a heart that loves you and others. Give him humility to be the servant leader You have called him to be. Help me to rest and trust in You for all those things. Keep each of them tight in Your loving hands, Your hands are strong enough. You are enough for them. You are enough for everything we face.

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