Saturday, February 11, 2012


January 27, 2012…

It’s Friday, It's early. Been waking up at 3 am every day we have been in Moscow. We have to leave for the train station at about 10 am. Today we begin our journey…mixed emotions of excitement, apprehension, and immense mourning. Excitement for what awaits us in our city/region: seeing Sasha, seeing friends, being back in ministry and going into the villages, sharing Christ. Apprehension in not knowing what battles we or our family might be facing in the coming year, and mourning as I leave behind our kids, our family and especially Grace and Eli. I know in my heart of hearts that He will take care of everything. He always does. His faithfulness is unmatched. I will have faith in His faithfulness for all these emotions, all these feelings.

We spent all day yesterday getting our passports taken care of. It was exhausting and we missed our lunch date with Deanna and Jeremy and kids because of it. Not thrilled about that. Plus it was so cold. We waited outside the embassy for over 30 minutes and when not properly dressed, that’s a long time. When we finally got in after 9 am, they were very helpful, but we didn’t get out of there until 1 pm. We went back to the Courson’s, after stopping at McDonalds (she had the table all set for us for lunch) such a sweetie. We brought her a chicken sandwich instead. I fell asleep on the couch and Michael went out to buy our train tickets, which took the rest of the day for him. Frances took Caleb with her, Robert, messed up his ankle and they spent all day at the Doctors with him and Rose…bless their hearts. Seems it was a day for waiting.

We did get our tickets for the infamous Trans Siberian Railway…As always, (at least lately) it seems not ever quite what we expected. There were no available Kupets (cabins) for four. There are only the 3 of us now, Me, Michael and our dear sweet Caleb. We so wanted to pay for the 4th bed so we could have a whole cabin. We also found out that what we had researched about luggage was wrong. We were under the assumption that we were allowed a great deal more and could put our luggage in cargo for no extra/or low cost, which was one of the reasons we did this. It happens that our particular train does not have cargo. We did find out that we have about 30 lbs over what is allowed and who knows where it will be stored. OH SUCH NEGATIVE RAMBLINGS!!

As I write, the Lord brings a song to my heart: “God will make a way when there seems to be no way, He works in ways we cannot see, He will make a way for me.” He is my very present help!!

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