Thursday, November 11, 2010

important info for Christian parents about our kids and internet/tv

The Grace and Truth Paradox: Excerpts by Randy Alcorn

full excerpts here:

Truth, Grace and Media

Parents who wouldn’t dream of letting a dirty-minded adult alone with their children do it every time they let their kids sit and surf channels and access the internet without supervision. There’s nothing new about sexual immorality. But there is something new about the ease with which it invades our homes.

Why do we do this? Because we want to trust our kids, and show them children grace. We don’t want to be known as restrictive, anti-fun or legalistic. We want to be cool parents. The kind that don’t get hung up on rules. Such “grace” is merely parental neglect in disguise.

We sacrifice our children on the altar of appearing cool (which never works anyway). Our children may never recover from this “grace” we’re showing them. In fact, it’s moral child abuse. We should repent of it. Our children don’t need cool parents. They need parents full of grace and truth."

note from Patsy: I would like to add that Satan is a liar and a thief and will stop at nothing to try to seduce us and our children in whatever way he can. Let's encourage and pray for one another that we would not be deceived to his crafty ways. Pray for more Godly wisdom and true love and His amazing grace as we parent. for His glory, Patsy

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